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Educational Buildings



Variable Refrigerant Flow


Split Units



This unit is frequently used to manage the fresh air to a certain condition before it is distributed into the building.

Domestic Hot Water Solutions

Amichi™ Series Chiller and Heat Pump

Controls Solutions

YORK VRF systems offer a wide range of control systems to suit multiple applications. Systems include wired and wireless controls..

Touch Screen Group Control

Single unit control, Group control, max 32 units, individual control to each unit,Weekly timer, Mode: cooling, heating, auto, air flow, dehumidification.

Touch Screen Central Control

Single unit control, Central control, max 128 units, Weekly timer, Zone control, Can be connected the third party interface: Modbus RTU protocol.

Central Controller with Monitor Software

Electricity charge report, Local control version; Convert RS-485 to RS-232, 400 indoor units can be controlled, 32 systems/ outdoor units, each system unit requires one IGU02.

Selection Software

Remote monitoring version; Third party interface: BacNet IP/ Modbus IP/ Modbus RTU protocol.
1000 indoor units can be controlled.

is all about getting results that are more efficient and more intelligent. We create equipment that makes environments optimized and connected.